Gerry Purcell: Mr. Purcell is a Regional Sales Manager for Consultec Prescription Benefits Management (PBM) in Atlanta, GA. Consultec provides PBM services to over 2 million members and is one of the fastest growing PBMs in the United States. Gerry provides consulting and pharmacy management services to Health Maintenance Organizations, managed care companies, third party administrators, state and local governments, workers compensation programs, and individual companies.
Mr. Purcell's expertise includes pharmacy network development, formulary and rebate management, drug utilization review, disease state management, benefit design, and HEDIS reporting. Pharmacy benefits is an integral part of the total benefit, usually representing between 10% - 20% of the total claim dollar. The decisions made in this area often impact the total patient care cycle (i.e. hospital utilization, recovery, etc.). His approach to pharmacy benefits is simple: to assist clients in designing a pharmacy benefit that achieves optimal health outcomes at the lowest market cost. His work with clients results in savings of 15% - 30% in pharmacy costs.
Prior to joining Consultec, he served on the rnarketing team at Kaiser Permanente. At Kaiser, he was instrumental in developing products targeted for small to medium size companies. He also served on the Georgia Region HEDIS Team.